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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia

containing the Charter as amended and re-enacted as a whole (approved March 14, 1908), the constitutional and legislative provisions of the state relating to cities, and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole August 6th, 1909, in effect September 1st, 1909

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Street Railways.

Section 1.—R. P. Valentine and A. D. Payne, and their associates,
who shall be incorporated by the General Assembly of
Virginia as a joint stock company, are hereby granted a right
of way over and through the following streets in Charlottesville,
Va., viz; from the west end of Main along Main (with privileges
of turning out at the top of Vinegar Hill, and going along the
street east of Midway as far as Hill, thence along Hill to Main)
to the C. & O. depot, thence along Seventh Street to High, thence
along High to School or Hill, thence to Main, for the purpose
of constructing and operating a street railway to be operated by
horse or mule power for transporting passengers and freight.

2. The said R. P. Valentine and A. D. Payne and their associates
shall conform the railway to any grade the council of said
city may hereafter establish for the purpose of constructing, operating
and enlarging the said street railway; said Valentine and
Payne and their associates are hereby granted full right, and
authority to enter upon any of the streets and alleys of said city,
above designated, and excavate and grade the same so as not to
interfere with the grade that the council shall prescribe and may
deposit their lumber, iron, and other material necessary in the
construction of said railway, provided however, that convenient
travel along such streets and alleys be not unnecessarily interfered
with during such constructions and enlarging, and any damage
resulting from the non-observance of this provision shall be paid
by said Valentine and Payne and their associates shall at all
times keep the crossings where any street shall cross the said
railway track in good condition for the passage of wagons and
other dirt road vehicles across railway track at such places of

3. The space between the rails and for one foot on each side


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of the track shall be kept in order by said Valentine and Payne
and their associates.

4. The said work shall be begun within three months, and
completed within six months from the passage of an act of incorporation
by the General Assembly of Virginia, which act shall
be obtained at the first meeting of said Assembly after the passage
of this order, and the said Valentine and Payne and their associates
shall enter into an obligation to begin and complete the
work in the period named in the penalty of $500.

5. The fare for each passenger along the whole length of the
railway, &c., &c., from the University of Virginia or any part of
it, shall not exceed ten cents, and the charge for any freight or
property not heavier than 15 pounds shall not exceed ten cents
per package.

6. This order shall be operative and effective as soon as said
Valentine and Payne and their associates shall pay to the City
of Charlottesville $301, as a bonus, but shall be nul and void if
the bonus be not paid in ten days after the said act of incorporation
shall have been granted. If the said Valentine and Payne
and their associates should fail to get an act of incorporation at
the next meeting of the General Assembly, or should prefer to
begin the work before such meeting they shall have all the privileges
granted by this order subject to all the provisions therein
to be used by them as a partnership. Provided the work be begun
by the 15th day of May, 1887, and completed by the 15th of November,
1887. This franchise is granted for a period of fifty

7. The Charlottesville and University Street Railway Company
shall have the privilege of extending, operating and maintaining
its track on the following streets as named in its franchise of
1887 from C. & O. depot along what is now known as Seventh
street, east to High street; thence along High to First or Second
street west; thence to Main street, with the privilege of changing
the route so as to run from First along Jefferson to Second
street west; thence to Main. And the said company may, in accordance
with the terms of its charter granted by the General Assembly,
March 30th, 1887, page 211, use electricity along all of its
lines as a motive power; but in the event of the company deciding
to adopt electricity, the placing of the poles and all the appliances


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to be used for the same and the kind of rails to be used shall be
subject to the approval of the Committee on Streets, provided
further that steam power shall not be used.