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[Gifts extraordinary bestow'd]

The Holy Ghost came on them; and they, &c. —xix. 6.

Gifts extraordinary bestow'd,
On them that first believed,


Powers miraculous from God
Are rarely now received;
True and faithful as Thou art,
We yet Thy promised Spirit claim;
Every fearful sinner's heart
May still expect the same.
Still the Holy Ghost descends
The' indwelling Comforter,
All the griefs and troubles ends
Of those that Christ revere;
Works His miracles within,
Renews their hearts, and tongues, and eyes;
Makes an utter end of sin,
And wholly sanctifies.
Always ready Thee we know
This gospel truth to seal;
Saviour, now on us bestow
The gift unspeakable,
In the Comforter come down,
(Who helps us for Himself to pray,)
Take possession of Thine own,
And here for ever stay.