University of Virginia Library

SONG 7. The Excellency of the Bible.


Great God, with wonder and with praise
On all thy works I look;
But still thy wisdom, pow'r, and grace,
Shines brightest in thy book.


The stars that in their courses roll,
Have much instruction giv'n;
But thy good word informs my soul
How I may climb to heav'n.


The fields provide me food, and shew
The goodness of the Lord;
But fruits of life and glory grow
In thy most holy word.


Here are my choicest treasures hid,
Here my best comfort lies;
Here my desires are satisfy'd,
And hence my hopes arise.


Lord, make me understand thy law;
Shew what my faults have been;
And from thy gospel let me draw
Pardon for all my sin.


Here would I learn how Christ has dy'd
To save my soul from hell:
Not all the books on earth beside
Such heav'nly wonders tell.


Then let me love my Bible more,
And take a fresh delight
By day to read these wonders o'er,
And meditate by night.