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[Sinners, the call obey]

Sinners, the call obey,
The latest call of grace;
The day is come, the vengeful day
Of a devoted race:
Devils and men combine
To plague the faithless seed,
And vials full of wrath divine
Are bursting on your head.
Enter into the Rock,
Ye trembling slaves of sin,
The Rock of your salvation, struck,
And cleft to take you in:
To shelter the distress'd
He did the cross endure;
Enter into the clefts, and rest
In Jesus' wounds secure.
Who would not fear the Lord,
Glorious in majesty!
His justice stern hath drawn the sword;
To His compassion flee:
Vengeance He comes to take,
He comes His wrath to show;
He rises terribly to shake
The drowsy world below.
See how His meteors glare!
(The tokens understand!)
Famine, and pestilence, and war
Hang o'er the guilty land!


Signs in the heavens see,
And hear the speaking rod;
Sinner, the judgment points to thee,
Prepare to meet thy God!
Terrible God! and true,
Thy justice we confess,
Thy sorest plagues are all our due,
We own our wickedness,
Worthy of death and hell,
Thee in Thy judgments meet:
But lo! we to Thy grace appeal,
And crowd Thy mercy-seat.
Jesus, to Thee we fly
From the devouring sword!
Our city of defence is nigh,
Our help is in the Lord:
Or if the scourge o'erflow,
And laugh at innocence,
Thine everlasting arms, we know,
Shall be our souls' defence.
We in Thy word believe,
And in Thy promise stay:
Our life, which still to Thee we give,
Shall be to us a prey:
Our life with Thee we hide
Above the furious blast,
And shelter'd in Thy wounds abide,
Till all the storm is past.


Believing against hope,
We hang upon Thy grace,
Through every lowering cloud look up,
And wait for happy days;
The days when all shall know
Their sins in Christ forgiven,
And walk awhile with God below,
And then fly up to heaven.