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The Works of The Ettrick Shepherd

Centenary Edition. With a Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. Thomas Thomson ... Poems and Life. With Many Illustrative Engravings [by James Hogg]

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Pull away, Jolly Boys.

Pull away, Jolly Boys.

Here we go upon the tide,
Pull away, jolly boys;
With heaven for our guide,
Pull away!


Here's a weather-beaten tar,
Britain's glory still his star,
He has borne her thunder's far;
Pull away, jolly boys,
To yon gallant men-of-war,
Pull away.
We've with Nelson plough'd the main,
Pull away, jolly boys;
Now his signal flies again,
Pull away.
Brave hearts then let us go,
To drub the haughty foe!
Who once again shall know,
Pull away, gallant boys,
That our backs we never show,
Pull away.
We have fought and we have sped,
Pull away, gallant boys,
Where the rolling wave was red,
Pull away.
We've stood many a mighty shock,
Like the thunder-stricken oak;
We've been bent, but never broke,
Pull away, gallant boys;
We ne'er brook'd a foreign yoke,
Pull away.
Here we go upon the deep,
Pull away, gallant boys;
O'er the ocean let us sweep,
Pull away.
Round the earth our glory rings;
At the thought my bosom springs,
That where'er our pennant swings,
Pull away, gallant boys,
Of the ocean we're the kings,
Pull away.