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Sec. 494(11). Permissible wooden structures within the
congested fire limits.

No frame or wooden structure shall hereafter be built within
the congested fire limits as given herein or within the congested
fire limits as may hereafter be established, except for the following,
and all roofs placed upon such buildings or structures
shall be of class "C" roof covering material or better as defined
by the National Board of Fire Underwriters:

(a) Temporary one story frame buildings for the use of

(b) Bay windows when covered with incombustible material.

(c) Out houses not over ten feet high with floor space of
not more than one hundred square feet, where the cost of same
does not exceed seventy-five dollars, when in the judgment of
the Building Inspector, the fire hazard to the surrounding buildings
would not be materially increased.

(d) Rooms and inclosed porches with a floor space not exceeding
one hundred square feet may be added to existing frame