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[Thy poor external worshipper]

I found an altar with this inscription, &c. —xvii. 23.

Thy poor external worshipper,
My poverty I own,
With trembling hands an altar rear
As to the God unknown!


Left by a God who hides His face,
And seemingly forgot,
I own in darkness and distress
That now I know Thee not.
Yet drawn by Thine alluring grace
Still after Thee I feel,
And worship toward the holy place,
And seek the' Invisible;
I follow on and cannot rest
Till I my Maker see,
And with His special presence bless'd
Perceive my God in me.
Wilt Thou not soon display Thy heart
In Jesus reconciled,
Thy servant graciously convert
Into a loving child?
Father, Thy Deity declare
In Jesus Christ reveal'd,
Acknowledge Thine undoubted heir,
An heir of glory seal'd.