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[Can we in unbelievers find]

These were more that they, &c. —xvii. 11, 12.

Can we in unbelievers find
That noble readiness of mind
To hear, investigate, and prove
The truth of Jesus' pardoning love?
Yes, Lord; through Thy preventing grace,
There are who cordially embrace
The joyful news of sins forgiven,
With God Himself sent down from heaven.
Up from the sleep of nature stirr'd,
They daily search Thy written word,
Inquiring if these things be so,
To Thine own oracles they go:
Thine oracles the answer give,
And willing multitudes believe
The gospel by Thy Spirit seal'd,
And find Thy glorious Self reveal'd.
What then are they that dare forbid
The unconvinced Thy book to read,
Who take the sacred key away,
Damp their desire to search and pray,
Conceal Thy records from their view,
“The Scriptures were not wrote for you:
Accept your more unerring guide,
The church, the Catholics—the bride!”
Turn, sinners, turn from such away,
And rather God than man obey,
The Scriptures search both day and night,
And try if what ye hear be right;
Put forth your grain of gracious power,
(Your use of that shall bring ye more,)
Till the true Light Himself impart,
And breathes the Witness in your heart