University of Virginia Library

A Highland Song of Triumph for King William's Birthday.

To the pine of Lochaber,
Due honours be given,
That bourgeons in earth,
And that blossoms to heaven.
Ho urim! sing urim,
With pipe and with tabor,
To the tree of great Bancho,
The lord of Lochaber!
Ho urim! sing urim, &c.
That tree now has flourish'd
From stock that is hoary,
Encircling the ocean
And globe in its glory;
O'ershadow'd the just,
And the wicked restrain'd too;
It has pierced the dark cloud,
And dishevell'd the rainbow.
Ho urim! sing urim, &c.
Long flourish our stem,
And its honours rise prouder;


The stem of the Stuart,
And rose of the Tudor.
Ho urim! sing urim!
Let's hallow together
The day that gave birth
To our king and our father.
Ho urim! sing urim, &c.
Ho urim! sing urim!
To the best and the latest,
And honour'd King William,
The last and the greatest.
Heaven's arm be around him
To guard and secure him,
The hearts of his people,
Ho urim! sing urim!
Ho urim! sing urim,
With pipe and with tabor,
To the son of great Bancho,
The lord of Lochaber!

Urim, Gael.—glory