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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes
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Psalme. XLVII.
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4 occurrences of psalter
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Psalme. XLVII.

The Argument.

This Psalme to ioy exhorth: all christen men in sight:
That Christ by power ascended so: whom glory sued aright.

Omnes gentes.


Together clap ye handes: ye Gentils all be glad:
Reioyce to God in melody: with thanks for mercy had


The Lord is hie in power: and ought be feard I say,
He is the king of all the earth: to hym all thinges obey.


He shall so vnder vs: the people soone subdue:
All Gentils cast at feete of vs: at vs their Lordes to sue.


He dyd chose out all vs: an heritage so fayre:
Euen Iacobs hie magnificence: whō he did loue as heyre.


God is ascended vp: in ioyfull noyse on hye:
With trumpets noyse: as once his arke, euē thus vp hie did stye,


O prayses sing to him: O prayses see ye sing:
Sing prayses still vnto our god: and laud him iust as king


For that our God is king: of all the world so rounde:
Sing ye his prayse than prudently: wt vnderstāding sound



For God by strength doth raigne: vpon the heathen all
God sitteth vpon his holy seate: all thyng doth heare hys call.


The peoples heds be met: with Abrahams god & seede
Of god they be to shield the earth: but god doth thē exceede