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By Edward Quillinan. With a Memoir by William Johnston

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Past, be thou forgot!
Present, vanish fast!
Future, thou art not,
Would that thou wert past!
So in peevish moods,
Youth impatient said,
Later sorrow broods
Thus o'er wiser dread.
Past, be thou not dumb!
Present, be not deaf!
Lest the future come
Like a sudden thief.
Age, within thy brow,
Grave the deeds of youth;
So shall then to now
Teach severest truth.


So shall folly's page
Furnish wisdom's text,
Youth instructing age
Ever when perplext.
Sins are memory's thorns,
Lay them to thy soul;
Every puncture warns
Wanderers from the goal:
‘Him who wore their crown,
Truant, thou must meet
(O beware his frown!)
On his judgment seat.’
Present, let the past
Therefore be thy tutor;
Welcome then the last
Trumpet to the future!