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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head.” —Psalm, cx. 7.

Great need had He who trod for us
The wine-press of thy wrath, O God!
To be refresh'd and strengthen'd thus
In the rough path he meekly trod.


And they who for themselves, alone,
Would seek to shun thy righteous wrath,
Now need each comfort thou mak'st known
To cheer their tribulated path.
And blessed be Thy name, and power,
And His, their high and holy Head,
Thou dost not, in the needful hour,
Forget the toilsome way they tread.
Thou giv'st them, in thy boundless love,
Their hopes to cheer, their souls to stay,
Times of refreshment from above,
And brooks of comfort by the way.
But these, if such we hope to share,
If thine their glorious fruits may be,
Must yet be sought in faith and prayer,
And have their origin in Thee.
Gourds we may plant, alas! are vain,
Brief is the shelter they can give;
Cisterns we hew can ne'er contain
Waters by which the soul can live.
The Rock of Ages yet must throw
Its shadow o'er the way we tread,
And living streams which from it flow—
When drank—shall lift in hope the head.