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A memorial volume of sacred poetry

by the late Sir John Bowring. To which is prefixed, a memoir of the author, by Lady Bowring
1 occurrence of man whom men have deified
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1 occurrence of man whom men have deified
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“Now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept.” —1 Cor. ch. xv. v. 20.

Christ is risen from the dead—He is risen,
First fruit of the sleeping is He;
He rose from death's desolate prison,
He hath made all His followers free!


He is risen—is risen! Our voices,
To hail the great triumph unite,
While earth from its centre rejoices,
And heaven re-echoes delight.
He is risen—is risen! The tiding
From planet to planet afar
On the wings of the lightning is riding;
Star heralds the vict'ry to star.
Generation salutes generation,
With the mighty, the magical word;
All space and all time shout, “Salvation!”
In the name of the conquering Lord.