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Poems by Arthur J. Munby

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Arise and shine, serenest star! for we,—
Like as the bridegroom joyeth o'er the bride,
Like as the mother claspeth to her side
Her firstling babe,—do take delight in thee:
Delight, because thine advent is not far,
Nor dimm'd thy face behind these misty wraiths;
Delight, tho' all the clashing bitter faiths
Marshal their set battalions for the war.
'Tis but the war of each peculiar soul—
Thro' ravell'd doctrines to think out a creed
That shall be pure and catholic indeed,
Nor warp nor crush the great symmetric whole
Our God did give. The skies are and the brine
Vext with grey gloom, and dark with thundrous blue;
And fitful stripes of rainy light imbrue
The shivering earth: sweet star, arise and shine!