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By Owen Meredith [i.e. E. R. B. Lytton]

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‘Come!’ gaily she here interposed,
With a smile whose divinely deep sweetness disclosed
Some depth in her nature he never had known,
While she tenderly laid her light hand on his own,
‘Do not think I abuse the occasion. We gain
‘Justice, judgment, with years, or else years are in vain.
‘From me not a single reproach can you hear.
‘I have sinn'd to myself—to the world—nay, I fear
‘To you chiefly. The woman who loves should, indeed,
‘Be the guide of the man that she loves. She should heed
‘Not her selfish and often mistaken desires,
‘But his interest whose fate her own interest inspires;
‘And, rather than seek to allure, for her sake,
‘His life down the turbulent, fanciful wake
‘Of impossible destinies, use all her art
‘That his place in the world find its place in her heart.
‘I, alas!—I perceived not this truth till too late;
‘I tormented your youth, I have darken'd your fate.
‘Forgive me the ill I have done for the sake
‘Of its long expiation!’