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The Book of Psalms in English Metre

The Newest Version Fitted to the Common Tunes. By Charles Darby

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Psalm LXVII.


Have mercy on us, Lord;
And shew thy grace divine:
Thy blessing on thy people send,
And cause thy face to shine.


That all the earth abroad,
Thy way may know and see:
And all the nations may confess
No Saviour but thee.


Let people praise thy name,
The people all about:
And all the nations every where,
For joy triumph and shout.


For thou, O Lord, wilt judge,
The people righteously:
And rule the kingdoms of the earth,
With truth and equity.


Let people praise thy name,
The people all about:
Then shall thy blessings fill the earth,
And make it yield her fruit.


Our God the only God,
Whose chosen flock we are,
Shall bless us so, that all the world
Shall learn his name to fear.