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Songs of Sion

Set for the ioy of gods deere ones, vvho sitt here by the brookes of this vvorlds Babel, & vveepe vvhen they thinke on Hierusalem vvhich is on highe. By W. L. [i.e. William Loe]

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The seuenth speach.
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The seuenth speach.

The Church speakes to Christ.


If I be then so svveet my deere
My Christ, my God, my Loue
Thē breathe on me with thy svveet breath
That it my hart may moue.


O all ye povvers of my svveete god
Blovve on me North, & South
That these my plants of my poore soule
May blest be by his mouth


And make thē svveet to him, as are
The Plants of loue, & grace
So shall my loue ioy still to come,
And glad him in this place.


Yea he vvill come to me his ovvne
vvhich he hath bought full deere
And vvill take of the fruit that he
Hath made to him so neere.


Christ speakes.


I come my loue to thee myne ovvne
As thou hast cald to me
And as thou vvilt, so vvill I take
These fruits a part of thee.


I see thy vvorkes, thy vvords, thy thoughts
They all to me are svveet,
For they are mine I gaue thē thee,
And all else that is meete.


Novve all ye blest of me, & Saincts
Cheere vp, & glad your mind
That yett in this deere loue of mine
Such grace, & loue doe find.