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Epodes, Odes, Sonnets, Songs, &c. To which is added Aramantha, A Pastorall. By Richard Lovelace

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Sir Thomas Wortley's, Sonnet Answered.


Thou witty Cruell Wanton now againe,
Through ev'ry Veine,
Hurle all your lightning, and strike ev'ry Dart,
Before I feele this pleasing, pleasing paine,
I have no Heart,
Nor can I live but sweetly murder'd with
So deare, so deare a smart.


Then fiye,
And kindle all your Torches at her Eye,
To make me Dye
Her Martyr, and put on my Roabe of Flame:
So I
Advanced on my blazing Wings on high,
In Death became
Inthroan'd a Starre, and Ornament unto
Her glorious glorious name.