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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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Sonet 3.
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Sonet 3.

My wayes, my wandrings all to Thee are knowne,
No strength to stand (Lord) of my selfe I haue;
I breath in bondage, so am not mine owne,
Emancipat to Sinne, so Sathan's slave.
No stinking carion, halfe consumd in graue,
My leprous soule in loathsomenesse exceeds.
Thy glorious Image how defacd I haue
While I record, my heart for horror bleeds.
Sweete Reconcealer, Thou who pardon pleads
To sin-chargd soules, which, faynting, groane for grace,
Thy Mercie measure not with my misdeeds;
Thy wandring chyld, turnd home at length, embrace,
Who brutishly mongst beasts, (with ackorns fed),
Too long, a shamefull, swynish life haue led.