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The Phanseys of William Cavendish Marquis of Newcastle

addressed to Margaret Lucas and her Letters in reply: Edited by Douglas Grant

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67 Upon her takeing Cold


Upon her takeing Cold

Envious Cold, thus to assault
A Bewty that's without a faulte;
To Close shut Up her porous Skinne
That is so white, so soft, so thinne:
To stop those holes it is a Sinne.
Can nott her sacred body scape
From this, thy Unnaturall rape?
Appollo will revenge this wronge,
And discepate thee E'er't be longe:
His powre for thee will be too stronge.
Wer't thou not hired by her sexe
Her Envi'd bewty thus to Vexe?
Thy Cold can not make her more fayre;
If wonders doe, condence the Ayre,
Pleasur foule faces in dispayre.
At Cranis thou get'st slyly in,
Till in her Chamber thou'rt within;
Then sithinge when thou get'st a sight,
Plays with her Neck that is so white:
So gives her Cold for thy delight.
Thou wert in love without all doubt,
For when by warmth thou wer't put out
In colder Ayre, within few howres
Thou turn'd into sad tears of showres,
For to refreshe lovers' sweet bowers.