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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 65. Te decet Hymnus.

Ad Præstantem. Psalmus David Canticum.


On thee waits Sions silent praise,
O God, that hear'st the praier:


To thee, the vow thy people paies,
to thee all flesh repaire.


Iniquities, with words at will,
against me have prevail'd;
But our transgressions covering still,
thy mercy never fail'd.


O blessed he, whom thou dost chuse,
so neere thy Courts to dwell:
Thy Houses goods where we may use,
thy Temples plenty, tell.


Thou God, our health, by fearfull signes
shalt answer us againe:
Just hope of all that earth confines,
or farthest seas containe.



Which by his strength lifts up the hills,
above the plaines to towre;
And firmnesse to their height fulfills,
which girded is with pow'r.


Which stills the raging of the seas,
be-calmes the billowes sounds;
And (more outragious, to appease)
the peoples tumult bounds.


On earth, the utmost dwellers feare
thy signes: The goings out
Of East and West (thy light that beare)
for joy thou mak'st to shout.


Thou visitest the soile with showres,
of life-inspiring raine;
Rich Mynes of pearle, thy deaw downe powres,
the greedy Plowmans gaine.


Gods River reacheth far and wide,
thy care prepares the corne;
And seed, to mother earth dost hide,
in teeming-furrow borne.


The waters melt her drunken plaine,
the verdant blossomes swell;
On whose encrease, as drops of raine,
so many blessings dwell.


The yeere, with goodnesse dost thou crowne,
beginning where thou end'st;
And every step stills fatnesse downe,
which from the clouds thou send'st.


They drop upon the pastures wide,
that robe the wildernesse;
The little hills, begirt with pride,
no little joy expresse.


The pastures cloth'd with flockes un-shorne,
their double fleeces bring:


The vallies covered are with corne,
for joy they shout and sing.