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Willobie His Avisa

Or The true Picture of a modest Maid, and of a chast and constant wife. In Hexamiter verse. The like argument wherof, was neuer heretofore published [by Henry Willoby]

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H. W.
From deuilish mind? well wanton well,
You thinke your strength is very sure,
You thinke all women to excell,
And all temptations to indure.
These glorious braggs shew but your pride:
For all will yeeld, if they be tride.

You are (I hope) as others bee,
A woman, made of flesh and blood,
Amongst them all, will you goe free,
When all are ill, will you be good?
Assure your selfe, I do not faine,
Requite my loue with loue againe.
Let me be hangd if you be such,
As you pretend in outward shoe:
Yet I commend your wisdome much,
Which mou'd me first to loue you so:
Where men no outward shewes detect,
Suspicious minds can nil suspect.
But to the matter; tell me true,
Where you your fancie can incline,
To yeeld your loue, for which I sue,
As fortune hath intangled mine:
For well I know, it's nothing good,
To striue against the raging flood.
What you mislike, I will amend,
If yeares I want, why I will stay,
My goods and life here I will spend,
And helpe you still in what I may:
For though I seeme a headlong youth,
Let time be triall of my truth.
Your name by me shall not be crackt,
But let this tongue from out my iawes,
Be rent, and bones to peeces rackt,
If I your secrets doe disclose,
Take good aduisement what you say,
This is my good, or dismall day.