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Secundum gaudium.


And, blessed lady borne in Nazarythe!
For thylke Ioye þow haddest, and pleasaunce,
Whan thoue metteste with Sainte Elisabethe,
Þyne hooly Cousyne, moste humble of countenaunce,—
And sheo agaynwarde with deuoute obayssaunce,
Lowely beholding vppon thyn holy face,
And in her armes þee lowly did embrace


Withe the spryte ffulfilled of prophecye,
Thoroughe grace of God þat was vpon her falle;
At youre meting þus shee gan to crye,
“Blessed be þowe among thes wymmen alle!
And alle folkes shulde þee blessed calle,
Blessed be þe frvte of þe that schall be borne,
Of whome þe prophetis so long spake to-forne;”


For þilke Ioye, O mayden most entyre!
Be my socoure in al meschiefe and drede,
And þat þowe liste me gracyously to here
In all distresse, O welle of goodlyhede;
For all my truste is in þy wommanhede,
And in thy mercy where as that I wende,
And euer schal be vn-to my lyves ende.
Aue Maria.