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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Oh , Man! How liust thou thus, in Greefe and Misery?
That thou

Ier. 5.e.

thinkest not on God, Who now is heere a declared/

Heere shall the fovver personages/stand as men sore amazed and afrayd.

He which hath Heauen and Earth, created and prepared.

Oh! ther was neuer anything, that mee so vext and feared,
As the Uoyce that I now heare, sounding in myne Eare.

Oh/alas alas! What is it, that troubles vs theare?
The hearing of such Woords, small Iove doth bring to mee.


Tush, regarde it not, it is but Phantasee.
Wherfore let not your Hearts, therto inclyne or bow.

O Cogitacions, aryse I praye thee now/
And reade vs the Scripture, set-foorth in Letters cleere.