University of Virginia Library



[Why do I draw my breath vaine sighes to feede]

Why do I draw my breath vaine sighes to feede
Since all my sighes be breathed out in vayne?
Why be these eyes the condnictes whence proceede
These ceaselesse teares, which for your sake do rayne?
Why do I write my woes, and writing greeue
To thinke vpon them, and their sweet contriuer,
Begging some comfort which mighe me releeue,
When the remembrance is my cares reuiuer?
Why do I sew to kisse, and kisse to loue,
And loue to be tormented, not beloued?
Can neither sighes, nor teares my sorrowes moue,
By lynes, or wordes, nor will they be remoued?
Then tyre not tyrant, but on mine hart tyer,
That vnconsum'd I burne in my desier.