University of Virginia Library



One day, 'twas long ago,
I met a maiden fair to see,
A maiden fair and dear to me—
But that was long ago.
She was so fair, I know;
How fair she was I cannot say,
But fairer than a morn of May—
But that was long ago.
And we did make a vow
That we some day would wed,
Following where sly Cupid led—
But that was long ago.
The years went slowly by—
I know not where they went,
Into what other forms were blent—
Perhaps into a sigh.
And then, we met, I know;
But all the fire of youth had fled,
And all the love of youth was dead—
But that was long ago.
And not a word, I vow,
Of that dead past by us was said—
We each some other one had wed!
But that was long ago.