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Bressan May Need Surgery
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Bressan May Need Surgery

Defensive tackle Bob Bressan
appears to be the most seriously
injured, having done some damage
to the ligaments in his knees. As
yet, it is not known if surgery will
be needed, but he will certainly be
out of action for the next few

Among the less critical are end
Bob Bischoff, who has sprained his
ankle, and defensive end Al
Sinesky, who hurt his shoulder
again. Defensive tackle Randy
Lestyk needed some stitches, and
may have broken his hand, but the
x-rays aren't back yet.

Captain Bob Rannigan suffered
a shoulder bruise, Gary Helman and
Paul Schrker were shaken up, but
all except tackle Bressan are expected
to see action against William &
Mary in Williamsburg on Saturday.