University of Virginia Library


Home for lovable AKC
call after 6, 296-3887.

Gaybrook Farms Food Service
needs food surveyors. Men or
women—part-time or full. $1.50
to $3.00 per hour. No experience
necessary. No selling. Must be
friendly and well-spoken. Call
293-4137, for appointment.

position or at least two years.
Three minute walk from New
Copeley, variety and pleasant
working conditions, must be
worth $350.00 monthly. Call Mr.
Winfield, 296-4121 for details and

Student to work 5-9 p.m., daily,
an hour. Apply at The Cardinal
Shop. Route 29 North.

Instructor. Graduate or Law
student to teach Economics or
Corporation Finance. Morning
schedule. Good pay. Tel. 295-9357.

THE VILLAGE INN needs part-time
help, evenings and weekends.
In the new student facility
and the dining room. Apply in
person to The Village Inn, 115
Maury Avenue.