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Mr. William S. Potter, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the Finance Committee had heard a detailed report on the Tayloe Murphy Institute by Dean C. Stewart Sheppard. Dean Sheppard has taken a keen interest in the Tayloe Murphy Institute and intends to revitalize it. He is going to reactivate the Council and get a new director. Mr. Potter advised the Board of Visitors that the Finance Committee has offered the assistance of the Committee to Dean Sheppard in this endeavor.

Mr. Potter reported that the Finance Committee has approved the faculty mortgages in the amount of one million dollars during the past six month period.

Mr. Edwin K. Mattern, acting for Lawrence Lewis, Jr., Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee reviewed plans for Lambeth Field Housing, Observatory Road Dining Facilities, Clinch Valley College Swimming Pool and Drama (Laboratory) Building at Clinch Valley College. He also reported that plans for widening University Avenue north of the University has been discussed and that the proposed plan is acceptable to the Committee.

Mr. C. Waller Barrett, Chairman of the Educational Policy Committee, reported that the non-refundable deposit required of individuals accepting admission has been increased $100 to $250. He also reported that the Committee foresees improvement in the library situation.

Mr. W. Wright Harrison, Chairman of the Student Affairs and Athletics Committee, had a most pleasant meeting and a most encouraging one. The Committee heard a report by the incoming and outgoing presidents of the Honor Committee. The reports indicated that the Honor System is strong at the University. The outgoing and incoming presidents and vice-presidents of Student Council were also heard. They stressed the need for more stringent security measures at the University as the enrollment of women students increases. The incoming chairman of the Judiciary Committee requested that the rules of conduct be clarified. There was also a discussion at the meeting of Atlantic Coast Conference matters and also of the recent meeting between Charlottesville law enforcement authorities and the University on the subject of drug use.

Dr. J. Hartwell Harrison, Chairman of the Medical Committee, reported for the Committee. The site for the psychological institute adjacent to the Children's Rehabilitation Center and to the Commonwealth Court Motel was approved by the Board.

It was proposed that the title of the Medical Committee be changed to the Committee for Health Sciences. It was pointed out that to change the name of a committee, it would be necessary to modify the Manual. Further consideration will be given to this suggestion at a future meeting.

Dr. Harrison reported that Dean Mary Lohr is scheduled to leave the University at the close of the current semester and Dr. Phyllis Verhonick has been appointed to serve as Acting Dean until the position of Dean of the School of Nursing is filled.

Dr. Brownie E. Polly urged the Board to consider holding a meeting of the Board at Clinch Valley College in April of 1973. Further study of the feasibility of having a meeting at Clinch Valley College will be undertaken.

Mrs. E. Parker Brown, Chairman of the Mary Washington College Committee, reported that a Mary Washington College student, Christine Ann Crawford, has written to the Attorney General to complain that University of Virginia will not appear on her diploma since she will not graduate in June. It was the consensus of the Board that after the transfer of Mary Washington College to its own Board of Visitors, it would not be appropriate for this Board to make recommendations with respect to the inscriptions on the Mary Washington College diplomas. Mrs. Brown also reported that the objections to the transfer of the James Monroe Law Library Museum have been withdrawn and that the transfer which will take place on July 1, 1972 meets the approval of the museum officers.

By action of the Board of Visitors, the Mary Washington College Committee will be dissolved on June 30, 1972.