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The Affair of the 16th July on James Island.

Captain Wm. F. Nance, A. A. G.

Captain: I have the honor to make the following report of the operations
of the troops under my command on the 16th instant:

I had been instructed on the day previous to observe and report the possibility
of offensive operations against the enemy in my front, and had
reported two plans, the one of which limited to driving in their pickets on


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the left and making a reconnaisance of that part of their line with the
further object of capturing or destroying the part of their force nearest
Grimball's was the one approved.

The enemy occupied Battery Island and Legare's plantation principally
and a part of Grimball's, and their gunboats lay in Folley and Stono
Rivers, giving in front of their position a cross-fire extending as far as our
picket line.

General Colquitt was ordered with about 1,400 infantry and a field
battery to cross the marsh dividing Legare's plantation from Grimball's
at the causeway nearest Secessionville, drive the enemy rapidly as far as
the lower causeway (nearest Stono), recross the marsh at that point by a
flank movement, and cut off and capture the force camped near Grimball's
house. Colonel Way, Fifty-fourth Georgia, with about 800 infantry, was
directed to follow en echellon on the Grimball side of the marsh, the advance
of General Colquitt, and co-operate with him. A reserve of one section
of artillery, supported by a company of infantry and a squadron of cavalry,
under Lieutenant-Colonel Jeffords, Fifth South Carolina Cavalry, was
held in hand near Rivers' house. On the extreme right a battery of four
rifled twelve dr. and one of four Napoleons under Lieutenant-Colonel Del
Kemper, supported by Colonel Radcliffe, North Carolina, with about 400
infantry, was ordered to engage the gunboats lying highest up the Stono.

The troops moved upon the enemy in the grey of the morning and the
whole enterprise was carried out as planned. The force at Grimball's was,
however, smaller than was anticipated, and, by retreating across to Battery
Island, as soon as Colquitt's firing was heard, managed to save themselves
before he could get into position to intercept them. Colonel Kemper
engaged the Pawnee and another gunboat at 250 yards, and after some ten
rounds drove them down the river beyond his range. The reserve artillery
was not brought into action. The cavalry did good service in sweeping
up fugitives over which the advancing infantry had run. The troops were
under fire one hour and a half and behaved well. This fire was chiefly
shell from gunboats and shell and cannister from a field battery. The
enemy's infantry fought badly. Those encountered were chiefly colored
troops, fourteen of whom were captured. These belonged to the Fifty-fourth
Massachusetts. About thirty of the enemy were killed upon the

I beg leave to refer to the accompanying reports of subordinate commanders
for full details.

The enemy were supposed to have been not above 2,000 infantry and
one battery of field artillery. Upon the following night they evacuated
James Island and Battery Island, leaving behind them arms and stores,
of which a full return will be made. Our casualties were three killed,
twelve wounded and three missing. Colonel Bull and Captain Beauregard,
of the staff of General Beauregard, and Captain B. H. Reed, of General


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Ripley's staff, reported to me for duty on the occasion, and, together with
my own staff, rendered efficient service.

I am, Captain,
Your obedient servant,
Johnson Hagood,
Brigadier-General Commanding.