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IUNE THE 24th 1619
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IUNE THE 24th 1619

The Right honoble The Ea. of Warwicke.

Sr Edwin Sandis Knt Thr̃er. 
Sr Io: Dãuers.  mr Rich: Tomlins.  mr Rich: Morer. 
Sr Stephen Dowle.  mr Anthony Abdy.  mr Geo: Smith. 
mr Io: Wroth.  mr Wm Caninge.  mr Geo: Chambers. 
mr Ferrar Dpt mr Edw: Ditchfield.  mr Rich: Berblock. 
mr Tho: Gibbs.  mr Robt Smith.  mr: Conell. 
mr Ferrar Iunior mr Iadwin.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Wm Essington.  mr Rich: Bull. 

The order in the Last Court touching the generall Company not any
way to ioyne or countenance the Defendantℯ against Capt Bargraue,
here being some wch were absent at the Last Cort, and alleadging some
reason why the said Company should not altogether relinquish the
said Defendants, because the Generallity hauing a stock there, is therein
interessed as a perticuler Adventurer of the Magazine; Wch point is
referred vntill the Adventurers meete; At wch time it may be cleered
whither the Adventurers shall ioyne in mayntaining that suite; [17]


The Comittee by the Last Cort appoynted for the Colledge hauing
mett as they were desired, deliuered now their proceedings, wch the
Cort allowed of being this that followeth,

A note of what kinde of men are most fitt to be sent to Virginia in
the next intended voyage of transporting One hundreth men.

A minister to be entertayned at the yearely allowance of fforty poundℯ
and to §have§ 50 Acres of Land for him and his heires for euer.

To be allowed his transportac̃on & his mans at the Companies charge,
and ten poundℯ imprest to furnish himselfe wthall.

A Captaine thought fitt to be considered of to take the charge of such
people as are to be planted vpon the Colledge Land.

All the people at this first sending except some few to be sent aswell
for planting the Colledge as publiq̢ Land to be single men vnmarryed.
A warrant to be made and directed to Sr Thomas Smith for the paymt
of the Collecc̃on mony to Sr Edwin Sandis Thr̃er. And that Dr Gul-
stone should be entreated to present vnto my Lords Grace of Canter-
bury such Letters to be signed for the speedy paying of the monies
from every Diocesse, wch yet remaynes vnpayd.

The seuerall sortes of Tradesmen and others for the Colledge Land.

Smithes.  Potters. 
Carpenters.  Husbandmen. 
Bricklayers.  Brickmakers. 

And whereas according to the standing order seauen were chosen by
the Last Court to be of the Comittee for the Colledge the said order
allowing noe more. And inasmuch as mr Iohn Wroth is conceaued by
some error to be left out, he is therefore now desired to be an Assist-
ant vnto them and to giue them meeting at such time & place as is
agreed of.

The Comittee for ∥the∥ setling of lawes and Magistracie in Virginia
haue mett as they were desired and vpon examinac̃on haue found
diuers Lawes in the L̃res Pattents and good poynts in the Instrucc̃ons


giuen by his Maty vnder the Privy Seals wch wilbe a greate further-
ance for the setling of the busines, purposing to take such paynes
therein as to present them to the next Quarter Court and to that end
(because [18] most in this Vacation time resolueth to goe into the
country) haue devided it amongst them selues for the better preparing
of it against their next meeting.

It was moued by mr. Thr̃er that a Comittee might be appoynted to
call the officers of the Lotteries before them to sett downe a Catta-
logue what prizes remayne yet due and vnpaid that they may be dis-
charged and one to be authorized to pay them to such as shall bring
in their Ticketts, wch the Cort hath referred vnto the Auditors.

Also he moued that in reguard of great somes wch is presently to be
issued out vpon this voyage, and the extraordinary busines wch the
Company from time to time imposeth vpon him, that a perticuler
Thr̃er might be appointed vnder him for the issuing out thereof,
wch he [should] not deliuer wthout a warrant, nor the other should pay
it forth wthout the like authority of a warrant to be giuen vnto him:
Wch the Court haue thought fitt, because he stands engaged for it, to
referr it vnto himselfe, who therein hath made choice of mr Deputy

Stephen Sparrowes request for the personall adventures of ffower
servants wch he sent to Virginia is referred to the Auditors vpon
Munday morning.

William Shackley of London Haberdasher assigned to Oliuer St Iohn
Two shares in Virginia.

Also Mrs Millisent Paulsden assigned to the said Oliuer St Iohn three
shares in Virginia, wch the Cort haue now allowed of: Prouided that
shee come into the Cort or make her Certificate of her allowance
therein within this Twelue Moneths.

A controuersy arising amongst the Adventurers of the Magazine for
their place of meeting, it being made knowne that mr Aldr̃an Iohnson
who is the Director thereof, desired it might be at Sr Tho: Smiths, by


reason he was one of the greatest and principall Adventurers and not
well able to goe to any other place: but forasmuch as there is a
standing order, that so long as the generall Company hath an Adven-
ture in any Ioint stock, their meetings shalbe where the Generall Corts
is kept: mr Thr̃er and Deputy insisted strongly for the mayntayning
of the said Order, insomuch that it was answered that it were better
a little to dispense wth that said order, then a Generall ffacc̃on thereby
should be raysed betwixt the Company and adventurers: wch was
answered by mr Thr̃er that he sawe no reason to feare any such
ffacc̃on: but for his part if the Adventurers would repay to the
Generall Company their Eight hundreth poundℯ they haue paid into
the Magazine, they might meete in what place they pleased, and
that might be done wthout breach of order, till then he was sworne
to mayntayne the orders and lawes of the Company vnlesse they
shalbe disanulled by the same wayes and meanes that they are [19]
confirmed. But much dispute growing herein, and the Counsell all
save o[ne] hauing deliuered their opinions to mayntayne the order,
It was at length agree[d] that the said Adventurers of the Magazine
should be warned to meete here vpon Munday next in the Afternoone
at the Generall Cort to performe such things as in the Last Quarter Cort
had beene ordered, concerning the Magazine and the officers thereof.