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Applicants for loans, if not already registered as students in the University,
must have complied with all the requirements for entrance. All inquiries
concerning loans should be addressed to the Bursar.

Lelia S. Bennett Loan Fund.—Established in 1926 by a bequest of $5,000
by Mrs. Lelia S. Bennett of Albemarle County. Loans are made to deserving
students in any department of the University.

Dr. Charles Hooks Harris Medical Student Loan Fund.—Established in
1923 by a gift of $100 per year for a period of ten years, from Dr. Seale
Harris, of Birmingham, Ala., in memory of his father. In making awards
from the fund preference will be given to applicants from Cedartown, Ga.,
upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and Principal of the Cedartown
High School and Mr. J. C. Harris, Superintendent of the Georgia
School for the Deaf, Cave Springs, Ga. If there be no applicant from Cedartown
High School, then the award will be made by the President and the
Dean of the Medical Department of the University.


Page 144

Fairfax Harrison Loan Fund.—Established in 1915 by the gift of $200
from Fairfax Harrison, of Washington, D. C. Loans from this fund are
made to deserving students in any department of the University.

Harvard Loan Fund.—The Harvard Loan Fund was established in February,
1909, by an alumnus of Harvard University, who gave to the University
of Virginia the sum of five thousand dollars as an evidence of the friendship
and kindly relations existing between the two institutions. Loans from
this fund will be made to needy and deserving students pursuing or intending
to pursue studies in any department of the University, in amounts not to
exceed one hundred dollars in any one session to a single student, at an annual
rate of interest of four per cent.

Kiwanis Club Loan Fund.—Established in 1922 by the gift of $100 annually
from the Charlottesville, Va., Kiwanis Club. Loans are made to deserving
Virginia students in any department of the University.

Robert E. Lee Loan Fund.—In October, 1914, a gift of ten thousand
dollars was made to the University by a veteran of the Federal Army, who
wished in this way to express his interest in this institution and his admiration
for General Lee. Loans from this fund will be made to deserving
students in any department who stand in need of such assistance.

Lynchburg Alumni Chapter Loan Fund.—Established in 1915 by the
gift of $200, with an approximately equal sum annually, to be loaned to students
from Lynchburg and vicinity, upon the recommendation of the officers
of the Chapter.

Seven Club Loan Fund.—Established in June, 1915, by a gift of $500
from the Seven Club of the University. Loans are made to deserving students
in any department of the University.

The Henry Strong Educational Foundation.—From this fund established
under the will of General Henry Strong of Chicago, an annual allotment
is made to the University of Virginia for loan scholarships, available
for the use of young men and women students under the age of twenty-five
years, preferably in the upper classes, to aid them in obtaining a "practical,
literary, scientific, mechanical or business education."

Virginia Students' Loan Fund.—The Virginia Students' Loan Fund was
established by an act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved March
14, 1908, and amounts each year to one per cent. of the annual appropriation
made by the Legislature for the support of the University. In accordance
with the terms of this act, loans will be made "to needy and deserving students
of talent and character, from Virginia," in amounts not to exceed one
hundred and fifty dollars in any one session to a single student, at an annual
rate of interest of four per cent.

Sarah E. Wright Memorial Loan Fund.—Established in 1915 by a gift of
$750. Loans from this fund are made to deserving students in any department
of the University.