University of Virginia Library


Tommy was sixteen and a bright lad, but he was not in society. His rank was too humble for that, and his employment too base; in fact it was the lowest of all employments, for he was second in command to his father, who emptied cesspools and drove a night-cart. Tommy's closest friend was Jimmy the chimney-sweep, a slim little fellow of fourteen, who was honest and industrious, and had a good heart and supported a bed-ridden mother by his dangerous and unpleasant trade.

About a month after the Emperor fell ill, these two lads met one evening about nine. Tommy was on his way to his night-work, and of course was not in his Sundays, but in his dreadful work-clothes, and not smelling very well; Jimmy was on his way home from his day's labor, and was blacker than any other object imaginable, and he had his brushes on his shoulder and his soot-bag at his waist, and no feature of his sable face was distinguishable except his lively eyes.

They sat down on the curbstone to talk; and of course it was upon the one subject—the nation's calamity, the Emperor's disorder. Jimmy was full of a great project, and burning to unfold it. He said—

"Tommy, I can cure his Majesty! I know how to do it."

Tommy was surprised.

"What? You?"

"Yes, I."

"Why, you little fool, the best doctors can't."

"I don't care, I can do it. I can cure him in fifteen minutes."

"Oh, come off! What are you giving me?"

"The facts—that's all."

Jimmy's manner was so serious that it sobered Tommy, who said—

"I believe you are in earnest, Jimmy. Are you in earnest?"

"I give you my word."

"What is the plan? How'll you cure him?"

"Tell him to eat a slice of ripe watermelon." It caught Tommy rather suddenly, and he was shouting with laughter at the absurdity of the idea before he could put on a stopper. But he sobered down when he saw that Jimmy was wounded. He patted Jimmy's knee affectionately, not minding the soot, and said—

"I take the laugh all back I didn't mean any harm, Jimmy, and I won't do it again. You see, it seemed so funny, because wherever there's a soldier-camp and dysentery, the doctors always put up a sign saying anybody caught bringing watermelons there will be flogged with the cat till he can't stand."

"I know it—the idiots!" said Jimmy, with both tears and anger in his voice.

"There's plenty of watermelons, and not one of all those soldiers ought to have died."

"But Jimmy, what put the notion in your head?"

"It isn't a notion, it's a fact. Do you know that old gray-headed Zulu? Well, this long time back he has been curing a lot of our friends, and my mother has seen him do it, and so have I. It takes only one or two slices of melon, and it don't make any difference whether the disease is new or old, it cures it."

"It's very odd. But Jimmy, if it is so, the Emperor ought to be told of it."

"Of course; and my mother has told people, hoping they could get the word to him; but they are poor working-folks and ignorant, and don't know how to manage it."

"Of course they don't, the blunderheads," said Tommy, scornfully; "I'll get it to him!"

"You? you night-cart polecat!" and it was Jimmy's turn to laugh; but Tommy retorted sturdily—

"Oh, laugh if you like—but I'll do it!"

It had such an assured and confident sound that it made an impression, and Jimmy asked, gravely—

"Do you know the Emperor?"

"Do I know him? Why, how you talk! Of course I don't."

"Then how'll you do it?"

"It's very simple, and very easy. Guess. How would you do it, Jimmy?"

"Send him a letter. I never thought of it till this minute. But I'll bet that's your way."

"I'll bet it ain't. Tell me—how would you send it?"

"Why, through the mail, of course."

Tommy overwhelmed him with scoffings, and said—

"Now don't you suppose every crank in the Empire is doing the same thing? Do you mean to say you haven't thought of that?"

"Well no," said Jimmy, abashed.

"You might have thought of it, if you weren't so young and inexperienced. Why Jimmy, when even a common General, or a poet, or an actor, or anybody that's a little famous gets sick, all the cranks in the kingdom load up the mails with certain-sure quack-cures for him. And so, what's bound to happen when it's the Emperor?"

"I suppose it's worse," said Jimmy, sheepishly.

"Well, I should think so. Look here, Jimmy, every single night we cart off as many as six loads of that kind of letters from the back yard of the palace where they're thrown. Eighty thousand letters in one night! Do you reckon anybody reads them? Sho! not a single one. It's what would happen to your letter if you wrote it—which you won't, I reckon?"

"No," sighed Jimmy, crushed.

"But it's all right, Jimmy, don't you fret, there's more than one way to skin a cat: I'll get the word to him."

"Oh, if you only could, Tommy! I should love you for ever!"

"I'll do it, I tell you. Don't you worry; you depend on me."

"Indeed I will, Tommy, for you do know so much. You're not like other boys; they never know anything. How'll you manage, Tommy?"

Tommy was greatly pleased. He settled himself for reposeful talk, and said—

"Do you know that ragged poor thing that thinks he's a butcher because he goes around with a basket and sells cat's-meat and rotten livers? Well, to begin with, I'll tell him."

Jimmy was deeply disappointed and chagrined, and said—

"Now Tommy, it's a shame to talk so. You know my heart's in it, and it's not right."

Tommy gave him a love-pat and said—

"Don't you be troubled, Jimmy, I know what I'm about. Pretty soon you'll see. That half-breed butcher will tell the old woman that sells chestnuts at the corner of the lane— she's his closest friend, and I'll ask him to. Then—by request—she'll tell her rich aunt that keeps the little fruit shop on the corner, two blocks above; and that one will tell her particular friend the man that keeps the game-shop, and he will tell his friend the sergeant of police, and the sergeant will tell his captain, and the captain will tell the magistrate, and the magistrate will tell his brother-in-law the county judge, and the county judge will tell the sheriff, and the sheriff will tell the Lord Mayor, and the Lord Mayor will tell the President of the Council, and the President of the Council will tell—"

"By George, but it's a wonderful scheme, Tommy! How ever did you—"

"—Rear Admiral, and the Rear will tell the Vice, and the Vice will tell the Admiral of the Blue, and the Blue will tell the Red, and the Red will tell the White, and the White will tell the First Lord of the Admiralty, and the First Lord will tell the Speaker of the House, and the Speaker—"

"Go it Tommy, you're 'most there!"

"—will tell the Master of the Hounds, and the Master will tell the Head Groom of the Stables, and the Head Groom will tell the Chief Equerry, and the Chief Equerry will tell the First Lord in Waiting, and the First Lord will tell the Lord High Chamberlain, and the Lord High Chamberlain will tell the Master of the Household, and the Master of the Household will tell the little pet page that fans the flies off the Emperor, and the page will get down on his knees and whisper it to his Majesty—and the game's made!"

"I've got to get up and hurrah a couple of times, Tommy, it's the grandest idea that ever was. What ever put it into your head?"

"Sit down and listen, and I'll give you some wisdom— and don't you ever forget it as long as you live. Now then, who is the closest friend you've got, and the one you couldn't and wouldn't ever refuse anything in the world to?"

"Why, it's you, Tommy—you know that."

"Suppose you wanted to ask a pretty large favor of the cat's-meat man. Well, you don't know him, and he would tell you to go to thunder, for he is that kind of a person; but he is my next best friend after you, and would run his legs off to do me a kindness—any kindness he don't care what it is. Now I'll ask you: Which is the most common-sensible—for you to go and ask him to tell the chestnut-woman about your watermelon cure, or for you to get me to do it for you?"

"To get you to do it for me, of course. I wouldn't ever have thought of that, Tommy—it's splendid."

"It's a philosophy, you see. Mighty good word—and large. It goes on this idea: everybody in the world, little and big, has one special friend, a friend that he's glad to do favors to—not sour about it, but glad—glad clear to the marrow. And so I don't care where you start, you can get at anybody's ear that you want to I don't care how low you are nor how high he is. And it's so simple: you've only to find the first friend, that is all; that ends your part of the work; he finds the next friend himself, and that one finds the third, and so on, friend after friend, link after link, like a chain, and you can go up it or down it, as high as you like or as low as you like."

"It's just beautiful, Tommy."

"It's as simple and easy as A B C; but did you ever hear of anybody trying it? No, everybody is a fool. He goes to a stranger, without any introduction, or writes a letter, and of course he strikes a cold wave—and serves him gorgeously right. Now the Emperor don't know me, but that's no matter— he'll eat his watermelon to-morrow. You'll see. Hi-hi—stop! It's the cat's-meat man. Good-bye, Jimmy, I'll overtake him."

He did overtake him, and said—

"Say—will you do me a favor?"

"Will I? Well, I should say! I'm your man—name it, and see me fly!"

"Go tell the chestnut-woman to put down everything and carry this message to her first-best friend and tell the friend to pass it along." He worded the message, and said, "Now then, rush!"

The next moment the chimney-sweep's word to the Emperor was on its way.