University of Virginia Library

    The Index of the chapters under
    the titles of LIBERTY

  • CHAP.I.
    Of the state of men without civill society.
  • CHAP.II.
    Of the Law of nature concerning contracts.
    Of the other Lawes of nature.
  • CHAP.IV.
    That the Law of nature is a divine Law.


  • CHAP.V.
    Of the causes, and first Originall, of civill government.
  • CHAP.VI.
    Of the right, whether we consider it in an Assembly, or in one Person, which he hath who is endued with supreme authority
    Of the three kindes of government, democracy, Aristocracy, and Monarchy.
    Of the right which Lords and Masters have over their Servants.
  • CHAP.IX.
    Of the Rights which Parents have over their children, and of a Kingdome Paternall.
  • CHAP.X.
    A comparison of the three kinds of government each with other, according to the inconveniences of each one.
  • CHAP.XI.
    The places and examples of Scripture concerning the right of government, which make for proff of the foresaid Doctrines.
    Of the inward causes which dissolve all civill government
  • Chap.XIII.
    Of the duties of those men who sit at the Helm of State.
    Of Lawes, and Sinnes.


  • CHAP.XV.
    Of Gods government by nature
    Of his government by the old Covenant
    Of his government by the new Covenant
    Of those things which are necessary for our entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven.