Albion and Albanius | ||
PROLOGUE To the OPERA. By Mr. Dryden.
Full twenty years and more, our lab'ring StageHas lost, on this incorrigible age:
Our Poets, the John Ketches of the Nation,
Have seem'd to lash yee, ev'n to excoriation:
But still no sign remains; which plainly notes,
You bore like Hero's, or you brib'd like Oates.
What can we do, when mimicking a Fop,
Like beating, Nut-trees, makes a larger Crop?
Faith we'll e'en spare our pains: and to content you,
Will fairly leave you what your Maker meant you.
Satyre was once your Physick, Wit your Food;
One nourisht not, and t'other drew no Blood.
Wee now prescribe, like Doctors in despair,
The Diet your weak appetites can bear.
Since hearty Beef and Mutton will not do,
Here's Julep dance, Ptisan of Song and show:
Give you strong Sense, the Liquor is too heady;
You're come to farce, that's Asses milk, already.
Some hopeful Youths there are, of callow Wit,
Who one Day may be Men, if Heav'n think fit;
Sound may serve such, ere they to Sense are grown;
Like leading strings, till they can walk alone:
But yet to keep our Friends in count'nance, know,
The Wise Italians first invented show;
Thence, into France the Noble Pageant past;
'Tis England's Credit to be cozn'd last.
Freedom and Zeal have chous'd you o'er and o'er;
'Pray' give us leave to bubble you once more;
You never were so cheaply fool'd before.
Wee bring you change, to humour your Disease;
Change for the worse has ever us'd to please:
Then 'tis the mode of France, without whose Rules,
None must presume to set up here for Fools:
In France, the oldest Man is always young,
Sees Opera's daily, learns the Tunes so long,
Till Foot, Hand, Head, keep time with ev'ry Song.
Each sings his part, echoing from Pit and Box,
With his hoarse Voice, half Harmony, half Pox.
Le plus grand Roy du Monde, is always ringing;
They show themselves good Subjects by their singing.
On that condition, set up every Throat;
You Whiggs may sing, for you have chang'd your Note.
'Tis a good Omen to begin a Reign:
Voices may help your Charter to restoring;
And get by singing, what you lost by roaring.
Albion and Albanius | ||