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Robin Hood

A New Musical Entertainment

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The Forest of Sherwood.
Robin Hood, Scarlet, and John, discover'd shooting in the Forest.
Robin Hood.
As blithe as the Linnet sings in the green Wood,
So blithe we'll wake the Morn;
And thro' the wide Forest of merry Sherwood
We'll wind the Bugle Horn.
The Sheriff attempts to take bold Robin Hood,
Bold Robin disdains to fly:
Come on when he will, in merry Sherwood
We'll vanquish, Boys, or die.


Our Arrows shall drink of the fallow Deer's Blood,
We'll hunt them all over the Plain;
And thro' the fair Forest of merry Sherwood,
No Shaft shall fly in vain.
Brave Scarlet and John, who were never subdu'd,
Give each his Hand so to bold;
We'll reign through the Forest of merry Sherwood:
What say my Hearts of Gold?

My noble Master, we your Words obey,
And just as you command, will fight or play.

Bold Robin Hood, permit me to demand,
What Boy was that who on your fallow Land
With you was talking? deep he seem'd in Woe,
Nor wore he Forest Green, nor held a Bow.

R. Hood.
He loves Clarinda, and the beauteous Maid
Has with her Heart his honest Suit repaid:
She pines in vain, for, lost to gen'rous Views,
Her cruel Father does her Choice refuse:
But to relieve the Youth I'll risk my Blood,
Merit was ne'er o'erlook'd by Robin Hood
But see how heavily Leander looks—