University of Virginia Library

The Arguments of the 12. Characters or Colloquies .

Prorex. Character 1. Or the Mr. Bee.

The Parlament is held, Bils and Complaints
Heard and reform'd, with severall restraints,
Of usurpt freedome, instituted Law,
To keepe the Common-wealth of Bees in awe.

Elimozinas. Char. 2. Or the Hospitable Bee.

The Author in his Russet Bee,
Characters Hospitality,
Describes his Hive, and for his feasts
Appoints fit dayes, and names his guests.

Thraso. Char. 3. Or the Plush Bee.

Invention here doth Character
A neere vaine-glorious Reveller:
Who scornes his kindred, grindes the Poore,
Hunts only Ryot and his (why not).

Armiger. Char. 4. Or the field Bee.

The Poet under Armiger,
Shadowes a souldiers Character,
His worth, the Courteous coy neglect,
His Pen doth sparingly Detect.

Rivales. Char. 5.

Two Rivall Bees doe here expresse,
Good things grow loathsome through excesse:
Flowers, in the Spring trod under feet,
In winter would be counted sweet.

Poetaster, Char. 6.

Here Invention aimes his drift,
At Poets wants, and Patrons thrift:
Servile scorne, and Ignorant Pride
He spurnes and justly doth deride.

Parcimonious. Char. 7. The thrifty Bee.

The thrifty Bee, that hoards up waxe,
The idle Loyterer here doth taxe:
Who toyles not whilst his strength doth serve,
May with Cicada sing, yet sterve—The Grashopper.

Fœnerator. Char. 8. The broaking Bee.

In this the Poet lineats forth,
That bounty feeds desert and worth:

Brands vsury, inveighs 'gainst bribes,
And Fenerators hive describes.

Pharmacopolis. Char. 9. The Quacksalver.

This Colloquie is characters
Of an impestrous Quacksalver:
Who, to steale practise, and to vent
His drugs would buy a Patient.

Inamorato. Char. 10. The Passionate Bee.

In this the Poet spends some Art,
To character a Lovers smart:
Who for a sigh his love let fall,
Prepares a solemne Funerall.

Obron in progressu. Char. 11. Obron in progresse.

Obron his royall progresse makes,
To Hybla where he gives and takes
Presents, and priviledges, Bees
Of worth he crownes with offices.

Rexacillium Char. 12. The Kings bench Barre.

Obron in his Starchamber sits,
Sends out Sub-pænas, high Court writs:
For the swarme of Bees, Degradeth some,
Frees others, all share Legall summe.