The Emperovr of the East A Tragae-Comoedie |
A friend to the Author, and well-wisher to the Reader.
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The Emperovr of the East | ||
A friend to the Author, and well-wisher to the Reader.
Who with a liberall hand, freely bestowesHis bounty, on all commers, and yet knowes
No ebbe, nor formall limits, but proceeds
Continuing his hospitable deeds,
With dayly welcome, shall aduance his name
Beyond the art of flatterie: with such, fame
May yours (deare friend) compare. Your muse hath bene
Most bountifull, and I haue often seene
The willing seates receaue such as haue fedd,
And risen thankefull; yet were some mis-led
By Nicetie, when this faire Banquet came
(So I allude) their stomacks were to blame,
Because that excellent sharpe, and poinant sauce
Was wanting, they arose without due grace.
Loe thus a second time hee doth inuite you:
Bee your owne Caruers, and it may delight you.
Iohn Clauell.
The Emperovr of the East | ||