A smale handfull of fragrant Flowers selected and gathered out of the lovely garden of sacred scriptures, fit for any honorable and vertuous Lady, the Lady Sheffeeld. By N. B |
The Author to his Lady
A smale handfull of fragrant Flowers | ||
The Author to his Lady
in verse.
auncient tyme the golden guise
of Matrons great renowen,
Was for to striue in vertues schoole,
who should enioye the crowne:
So that eche braunche of noblenes,
surpassed in those dayes.
Because they sought by their attempt
to winne immortall praise:
As for example, Lucrece chaste,
and famous sacred lyfe
May record be, who as I reade,
was Collatinus wyfe.
of Matrons great renowen,
Was for to striue in vertues schoole,
who should enioye the crowne:
So that eche braunche of noblenes,
surpassed in those dayes.
Because they sought by their attempt
to winne immortall praise:
As for example, Lucrece chaste,
and famous sacred lyfe
May record be, who as I reade,
was Collatinus wyfe.
And next to her, that pearle of price,
which Triata had to name.
By constant loue to Mansolus
doth manifest the same.
Thirdly, queene Artimesia reapt
the Scepter by desert,
That could as well as all the rest,
most finely play her part.
But synce that Sabbas wisdome great,
in honour yours doth raigne.
I must deare Ladie wish to you
aswel, as to the trayne.
For why? the garland that you weare
is euer fresh and greene,
And serues most fit in Court therwith,
to tende vpon a Queene.
which Triata had to name.
By constant loue to Mansolus
doth manifest the same.
Thirdly, queene Artimesia reapt
the Scepter by desert,
That could as well as all the rest,
most finely play her part.
But synce that Sabbas wisdome great,
in honour yours doth raigne.
I must deare Ladie wish to you
For why? the garland that you weare
is euer fresh and greene,
And serues most fit in Court therwith,
to tende vpon a Queene.
The modestie of Matrons mylde,
bedect with vertue rounde.
There is no wight but well may see
in you for to abounde.
So that a patern to the nimphes
of Court and courtly crewe,
Your Ladiship resembleth well,
as plainely they may vewe.
For on the one side garded with
Dame vertue you doe enter:
And on the other, continence
encourageth you to venter.
bedect with vertue rounde.
There is no wight but well may see
in you for to abounde.
So that a patern to the nimphes
of Court and courtly crewe,
Your Ladiship resembleth well,
as plainely they may vewe.
For on the one side garded with
Dame vertue you doe enter:
And on the other, continence
encourageth you to venter.
Wherefore, since then defensed with
such ayde to your degree.
Your noble race procureth these
your daies with ioyes to see,
That Flora, Susan, and the rest
attaind vnto the ende.
Your Honeur might conceiue my cause,
a slowe and thankles freend,
If that this time he should negle
to beautifie your name:
Whose merites are blowne all abrode,
in golden trumpe of fame.
such ayde to your degree.
Your noble race procureth these
your daies with ioyes to see,
That Flora, Susan, and the rest
attaind vnto the ende.
Your Honeur might conceiue my cause,
a slowe and thankles freend,
If that this time he should negle
Whose merites are blowne all abrode,
in golden trumpe of fame.
Wherefore as pledge of my good will,
with humble dutie due,
Accept I craue this litle booke
that I present to you.
And though it be of value small,
or simple to your sight,
Your wysedome may conceiue the Larke,
more daintier then the Kyght.
with humble dutie due,
Accept I craue this litle booke
that I present to you.
And though it be of value small,
or simple to your sight,
Your wysedome may conceiue the Larke,
more daintier then the Kyght.
G. T.
A smale handfull of fragrant Flowers | ||