University of Virginia Library

A Hymn for all Nations.

Polyglotted 1851.

Glorious God! on Thee we call,
Father, Friend, and Judge of all;
Holy Saviour, heavenly King,
Homage to Thy throne we bring!
In the wonders all around
Ever is Thy Spirit found,
And of each good thing we see
All the good is born of Thee!


Thine the beauteous skill that lurks
Everywhere in Nature's works;
Thine is Art, with all its worth,
Thine each masterpiece on earth!
Yea, and foremost in the van
Springs from Thee the Mind of Man;
On its light, for this is thine,
Shed abroad the love divine!
Lo, our God! Thy children here
From all realms are gather'd near,
Wisely gather'd,—gathering still—
For peace on earth, towards men good-will!
May we, with fraternal mind,
Bless our brothers of mankind;
May we, through redeeming love,
Be the blest of God above!