University of Virginia Library




We have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God.”—1 Cor. ii. 12.

O judge, thy measure is too small,
If it be but of earthly tone
And temper—it must fail and fall,
Unless it be the Cross alone.
We ask no measure less than this,
Nor is there other eye that sees
Than his who passes the abyss,
And learns to sing upon his knees.
Thou canst not rise beyond the height
Thy soul hath reached by travail sore,
Yet is there darkness that is light
To those who tread the farther shore;
God's message will not touch the ear
Which hath not heard its heavenly part,
With hope baptized in blessed fear
Unto sweet music for the heart.
They who have caught the angel song
That chanted Christ before He came,
And grown from weakness wise and strong,
Can henceforth never be the same;
For such have found the Holy Grail,
And they have known the secret call,
But felt the Cross's every nail
Ere they in Christ possest their all.