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Memoir and remains of the Rev. James D. Burns

... By the late Rev. James Hamilton [i.e. J. D. Burns]

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Isa. xl. 11.

We like sheep had gone astray,
In the desert lost our way;
Weary, bleeding, bruised, and torn,
There we must have died forlorn,
Had not Jesus from above
Come to seek us in His love.
He a Shepherd is so good,
For the sheep He shed His blood


He so gentle is and mild,
That a very little child
May look up into His face,
Seeing there a smile of grace.
Only trust Him, you will find
None more faithful, none more kind;
He will lead you night and day,
Walk before you all the way,
Through green meadows guide your feet,
And by waters clear and sweet.
Heavenly Shepherd, let me be
One of those who follow Thee;
Let me know Thy pleasant voice,
Ever in Thy love rejoice;
And when weary let me rest
Folded lamb-like on Thy breast.
Shepherd of the flock of God!
Guide and keep me with Thy rod
From the snares that round me lie,
From the foes that hover nigh;
Guard me with Thy sleepless love
Till I reach Thy fold above.