University of Virginia Library



The wild rose, mingled with the fragrant bine,
Is calmly graceful, beautiful to me,
And glorious are the countless stars that shine
With silent splendour over earth and sea;
But gentle words, and hearts where love has room,
And cordial hands that often clasp my own,
Are better than the fairest flowers that bloom,
Or the unnumbered stars that ever shone.
The fostering sun may warm the fields to life,
The gentle dew refresh the drooping flower,
And make all beauteous things supremely rife
In gorgeous summer's grand and golden hour;
But words that breathe of tenderness and love,
And genial smiles, that we are sure are true,
Are warmer than the summer sky above,
And brighter, gentler, sweeter than the dew.
It is not much the selfish world can give,
With all its subtle and deceiving art,
And gold and gems are not the things that live,
Or satisfy the longings of the heart;
But, oh! if those who cluster round the hearth
Sincerely soothe us by affection's powers,
To kindly looks and loving smiles give birth,
How doubly beauteous is this world of ours!