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Songs Old and New

... Collected Edition [by Elizabeth Charles]

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“The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.”

Since service is the highest lot,
And all are in one Body bound,
In all the world the place is not
Which may not with this bliss be crowned.
The sufferer on the bed of pain
Need not be laid aside from this,
But for each kindness gives again
“The joy of doing kindnesses.”
The poorest may enrich this feast;
Not one lives only to receive,
But renders through the hands of Christ
Richer returns than man can give.
The little child in trustful glee,
With love and gladness brimming o'er,


Many a cup of ministry
May for the weary veteran pour.
The lonely glory of a throne
May yet this lowly joy preserve;
Love may make that a stepping-stone,
And raise “I reign” into “I serve.”
This, by the ministries of prayer,
The loneliest life with blessings crowds,
Can consecrate each petty care,
Make angels'ladders out of clouds.
Nor serve we only when we gird
Our hearts for special ministry;
That creature best has ministered
Which is what it was meant to be.
Birds by being glad their Maker bless,
By simply shining sun and star;
And we, whose law is love, serve less
By what we do than what we are.
Since service is the highest lot,
And angels know no higher bliss,
Then with what good her cup is fraught
Who was created but for this!