University of Virginia Library


The earth is full of music pure and sweet,
That rises like a sacred hymn to heav'n,
Or anthem perfect in its rhythmic beat
Sounding from early dawn till close of even.
The night, too, has its songs for open'd ears,
The measured music of a thrilling psalm.
Melodious harmonies of silver spheres,
That sound through Nature's temple vast and calm.


The waters have a voice, so has the breeze
Which kisses till it wakes the sleeping mere,
And birds that carol in the leafy trees
Chanting their matin hymns in voices clear.
Murmurs of bees that suck the honey'd flow'rs
From blush of morn till daisies close their eyes,
Whispers of rain that fall in cooling showers,
And God's dread thunders crashing in the skies.
But richer far in music than them all,
The Poet's song with truth and wisdom fraught,
In which is heard the clear and clarion call
That stirs to noble deeds and lofty thought.
Master of song, that teaches to aspire,
To leave the level valleys far below,
And with a heart that burns with sacred fire,
To climb the heights with sunshine all aglow.