University of Virginia Library




Air—‘For a' that, and a' that.’

Is there for noble human kind,
Wha droops and doubts and a' that,
We'll pass him by, and what we find
We'll bravely do for a' that;
For a' that, and a' that,
Our ups and downs, and a' that,
Though seeds are slow in March to grow,
We'll bide the June for a' that.
Some think a flood of ills is come
To swamp the world and a' that;
'Tis but a fly upon the thumb
Of Titan Time, for a' that;
For a' that, and a' that,
Their fears, and frets, and a' that,
Though weeds may grow, with spade and hoe
We'll root them out for a' that.


Some preach we're near the end o' things,
The crack o' doom, and a' that,
When constitutions, states, and kings
Will fall in smash, and a' that;
For a' that, and a' that,
Their dragons, beasts, and a' that,
Wi' love o' God and love to man,
We'll beat the De'il for a' that.
Some trust in democratic bills,
And ballot-box and a' that,
But honest hearts and manly wills
Are best Reform for a' that;
For a' that, and a' that,
Their counted polls and a' that,
The man who weighs the worth o' brains,
Can look and laugh at a' that.
Some trust in churches and in creeds,
The articles, and a' that;
A crutch may help their limping needs,
My legs are mine for a' that;
For a' that, and a' that,
Their ban and bray and a' that,
Though priests may blink, and prophets wink,
There's truth in God for a' that.


Some swear by cassock and by cope,
Cross, candlestick, and a' that,
But Christian faith, and love, and hope,
May sit and smile at a' that;
For a' that, and a' that,
Their scarlet duds and a' that,
Who walks with God will tread the sod
High priest of men for a' that.
Some talk of forces and of laws,
Blind atom-dance, and a' that,
But God's the force, and Mind's the cause
That spins the globe for a' that;
For a' that, and a' that,
Their peeping-glass and a' that,
To Him unseen behind the screen
We'll bend the knee for a' that.
Some brag of telegraphs and rails,
Coals, steam, and gas, and a' that,
But rattling mails and cotton bales
Ne'er made a man for a' that;
For a' that, and a' that,
Their figures, facts, and a' that,
The first of facts is Thought, and what
High Thought begets, for a' that!


Some dream wi' books the De'il to ban,
Wi' cram of brain, and a' that,
But in the making of a man
The heart's the part for a' that;
For a' that, and a' that,
Their penny sheets and a' that,
Without pure love from God above
It's worthless trash for a' that.
Then let us trust in manly wills,
And honest hearts, and a' that,
And love with sacred fire that fills
Heroic souls for a' that;
For a' that, and a' that,
Their doubts and fears and a' that,
Though churches nod we'll trust in God,
And live by faith for a' that!