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The Fancy

A Selection from the Poetical Remains of the late Peter Corcoran, of Gray's Inn, Student at Law. With a brief memoir of his life [by J. H. Reynolds]

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[Were this a feather from an eagle's wing]

Were this a feather from an eagle's wing,
And thou, my tablet white! a marble tile
Taken from ancient Jove's majestic pile,—
And might I dip my feather in some spring,
A down Mount Ida, thread-like, wandering:—
And were my thoughts brought from some starry isle
In heaven's blue sea,—I then might with a smile
Write down a hymn to Fame, and proudly sing!
But I am mortal; and I cannot write
Aught that may foil the fatal wing of Time.
Silent, I look at Fame: I cannot climb
To where her temple is—Not mine the might:—
I have some glimmering of what is sublime—
But, ah! it is a most inconstant light.
P. C.