University of Virginia Library



Bard! while with eagle flight, thy vent'rous muse
Blending at will, her artful harmonies,
O'er poesy's wide range sublimely flies,
Her pinions glittering with unborrow'd hues,
Of power, new life and lustre to diffuse;
Whether with seraph plume, she reach the skies
Where Plato soar'd; or bright with magic dies
Wing the wild course, the hypogriff pursues,
Proud tilt and tournament, and paynim knight,
Or Paladin to sing; or scatt'ring flowers
O'er Shakespeare's tomb, she woo th'enchanting sprite,
That tranced in fairy land, his youthful hours:
Accept this tribute! nor disdainful, slight
An offering, gather'd from thy cultured bowers.
May, 1798.