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Household Verses

By Bernard Barton

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Where should the Bard, who builds up household lays,
Seek for his labours an approving smile?
Or whence aspire to win his proudest praise,
But from the Queen of Albion's sea-girt isle?
A Queen! a Wife! a Mother! in that land
Where home, and home-born ties, by magic thrall,
Are things all ought to feel and understand,
Because by birthright they appeal to all!


“An Englishman's fire-side” was wont to be
His boast and blessing, wakening thoughts of home!
Dearer than e'en “the empire of the sea,”
And bright and beauteous as its crested foam.
And every object with that spot entwined,
Nay, all beyond it, linked with time and earth,
Should own the hallowing influence there enshrined,
Blending with impulses which thence have birth.
Here “The Penates” have been worshipped long!
All English hearts confess their gentle sway;
And thoughts and feelings which around them throng,
Gladden domestic duties, day by day!
And when our spirits to their claims wax cold,
When in their light of love no more we live,
How can we 'mid the nations hope to hold
Our highest, holiest, best prerogative?
Lady! a great, a glorious power is thine,
As queen, as wife, as mother! use it well!
So may our country still be kept a shrine,
Where home is prized! and home-born virtues dwell!


Nor can a loyal poet crave for thee
Aught worthier of thy sex—or station's claims,
Than that thy truth and worth in both should be
“Familiar in our mouths as household names!”
So in our hearts, not on our lips alone,
Shall prayers and blessings for thy sake have birth;
So for our country's altars, and thy throne,
Shall such ascend from many a household hearth!