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Gone is the freshness of my youthful prime;
Gone the illusions of a later time;
Gone is the thought that wealth is worth its cost,
Or aught I hold so good as what I've lost;
Gone are the beauty and the nameless grace
That once I worshipped in dear Nature's face;
Gone is the mighty music that of yore
Swept through the woods or rolled upon the shore;
Gone the desire of glory in men's breath
To waft my name beyond the deeps of Death;
Gone is the hope that in the darkest Day
Saw bright To-morrow with empurpling ray;
Gone, gone—all gone, on which my heart was cast;
Gone, gone for ever, to the awful Past;—
All gone—but Love!”
Oh, coward to repine!
Thou hast all else, if Love indeed be thine!